Saturday morning, tired but inspired from Friday's adventures, I headed out to our newly renovated Missoula Art Museum for Montana Poetry: A Conversation, with Sandra Alcosser, Tami Haaland, Kim Anderson, Rick Newby, Beth Ferris, Arlynn Fishbaugh, Lowell Jaeger, Megan McNamer, Mandy Smoker, and Corby Skinner.
I was especially looking forward to seeing Beth, a poet and person I greatly admire. A bonus was a conversation with B.J. Buckley, another poet I've crossed paths with over the years, and whose work I like.
What a great setting this was -- a line of poets sitting at a long table in front of several works by Rudy Autio -- facing a room full of poets. Introvert though I am, I felt at home.
I did take some notes, and will offer a list of websites to visit at the end of this post, but NewWest offers audio of this conversation -- you can go listen to it yourself. There are so many projects and books in process; now including a Missoula poetry critique group, the organization of which has been delegated to me. Those who signed up at the conference will hear from me in the next few days; if any of you are interested, email me.
Some links from the poetry panel, and a brief wander amidst the tables:
- Drumlummon Views, the Online Journal of Montana Arts & Culture
- Drumlummon Institute: ... to promote and publish art and literatures created in Montana and the broader American West; to encourage, promote, and commission critical writing about cultural productions—including film/ video, visual arts, literature, performing arts, food, scientific discoveries, architecture, and design—created in Montana and the broader American West; to research and publish scholarship about the natural and cultural landscapes of the region; and to produce and promote audio recordings and film/video documentaries on a variety of cultural subjects.
- Camas: The Nature of the West, the online journal of the Environmental Studies Graduate Program of the University of Montana.
-, currently under construction, but added here for future reference.
- Here's another that's under construction: Missoula Writing Collaborative
- Montana Center for the Book ... a program of the Montana Committee for the Humanities, the Montana Center for the Book conducts a variety of programs and activities. Foremost among these are the Montana Festival of the Book and the state's Letters About Literature program. Its principal mission is celebrating and promoting Montana literature, literacy, and libraries...
I was surprised at the late entry onto the web of many of these organizations -- and that there weren't more offerings at the conference for web-based writers. Perhaps because it's the Montana Festival of the Book. Still, lots of us are online, and I expect that future conferences will offer more on web-based writing and publishing.
Next time, let's arrange a bloggers' lunch. Yes?
Plese do have a look ate my poetry book Ponder Awhile currently rated in the top 20 in highest rated ebooks on
Now available as a soft copy on
Posted by: mohit.k.misra | 08 October 2006 at 11:28 PM
in the Northwest?
in Montana?
in need of some fun before the new year?
then you are formally invited to the first stop on the
a multi-ethnic, multi-genre, multi-media extravaganza
sure to offend and entertain across the board with music, poetry, and
at Tajbo's "poetry slam atmosphere on the hip-strip" in ZooTown
8:00 The Crystle Theatre $3
515 S Higgins Ave Missoula MT (aka "ZooTown" or "The Zoo")
special performances from
Claudia Alick
Jesse Alick
Lucas Cantor
Iris Kolberg
and other speical guest performers
Posted by: claudia alick | 27 December 2007 at 02:13 PM