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16 October 2006


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I am thinking of it, dog knows why. It's not like I'm not stretched beyond endurance already.


Whoa! That's for sure.

Are you on sabbatical? Did I miss something?

Mary Scriver

I'm writing a novel of my own but don't want to rush it. I'm relishing just puttering along, trying this and that. Partly the idea is to use up some of the material that had to be put aside from the bio of my ex, and partly a former student is also writing (he doesn't say what) and would like to have a companion for discussion. I was reading Laurence Durrell when I started this novel and now am having to throw out Gerald Durrell, who keeps getting his snout in the tent. I want it to be ATMOSPHERIC but it ends up being funny.

I also have a Western version of the Ceres myth going along in fits and starts. I took some liberties by adding Hecate (Cate) and an Indian man, "Tobacco Man," or Toby. It's just for fun, but I think I can get in some good licks on coal burning since the Pluto character is a coal miner.

Prairie Mary


No, I was on sabbatical for six months but am now back in the saddle. Or, hanging off the back of the saddle. ;-)


I attempted NaNoWriMo in 2003 & 2004, never got past 5K wordcount. Last year, I was too discouraged to even sign up.

This year, though...for some reason, I'm really jazzed up & confident. One less teenager in the house and currently no job to stress over may be part of the reason. Or maybe I was just dropped on my head as a child.

Good luck & good writing!

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