A final reminder:
Get those entries in, by 5:00 p.m. Sunday, Mountain Time. The Conservative Cat has taken down his carnival submittal form, but Blog Carnival still has theirs, and that is my strong preference for entries. The form makes things much easier on carnival hosts. Or, you can send your catblogging URL to submissions (at) carnivalofthecats.com.
Oh, I'm looking forward to all this kitty spookiness! To hold us over until then, here is a little Halloween teaser:
Created with fd's Flickr Toys, and other people's CC Licensed photos:
1. dark o' the moonUploaded by Kim Denise
2. Halloween QueenUploaded by zenera
3. Is Hallowe'en here yet?Uploaded by bc anna
4. I am friendly, no really I amUploaded by Vicki & Chuck Rogers
That's it for now -- I want to get this up early, but I'll come back in tomorrow to add the weekly roundup.

Friday morning, and here we have the roundup:
Friday Ark
I and the Bird
Carnival of the Cats
Carnival of the Dogs
Circus of the Spineless
Weekend Dog Blogging
Weekend Cat Blogging
Thank you so much for including Saphiri's Halloween Queen picture!!!
Posted by: zenera | 27 October 2006 at 06:17 AM