Ryan tagged me with this Internet meme. It's hard to think there might be much that readers of my blogs, or my About page, don't already know about me, but let's see what I can come up with:
1. My favorite movies are The Wizard of Oz and (brace yourself) Rocky
. My favorite books are Alice in Wonderland/Through the Looking Glass (my beautiful childhood set sadly lost in the flood) and Four Gated City, by Doris Lessing. My favorite music is Bach: The Goldberg Variations
, but I'm also a fan of Jane Siberry, Kate Bush, Ani DiFranco, Philip Glass, Annie Lennox, Nina Simone ...
2. Among my many (sophisticated) collections -- art, artifacts, baskets, crystal candle-holders, books and music, dishes and chandeliers -- is a small collection of large teddy bears. I did, however, have to gather them from several obscure and forgotten places for this portrait:
Yes. I'm 58 years old, and I still have teddy bears. Wanna make somethin' of it?
3. I'm fond of cats.
Oh, you knew that already? OK then.
3. I'm quite good at the verticals: though I lost some IQ points with the onset of this illness, I can still reach pretty high, and can sometimes drop deeper down than others do -- or than most would even want to -- but I'm not so good at the horizontals: human relationships, the good and necessary skills of small talk and social niceties. I used to be better at this, when I had energy to mobilize to that end. Now I'm nearly hopeless.
Thinking, reading, writing: Pass.
Relating: Incomplete at best.
4. Speaking of grades -- for much of my life, I suffered severe writer's block. When I finally got to The Evergreen State College, I arrived with a GPA of something like 3.5 -- with three or four F's on it. The F's were incompletes from instructors who trusted that I would, eventually, get around to writing that paper, which I never did, and the I's morphed, over time, into F's. An Evergreen prof suggested a contract that allowed me to complete all assignments verbally, since I would not write -- and so I graduated.
I think that, for me, to write is to tell the truth; and there were truths I was reluctant to face. Once faced, the writing gates opened.
5. Umm... Oh, I don't like nuts in things. I like nuts -- cashews and peanuts, anyway -- I just don't like them in things. No nuts in my cookies, or brownies, or ice cream. Nuts in Thai food -- that's OK. Maybe it's just nuts in sweets?
Maybe it's just weird.
Now it's your turn. I get to tag five more bloggers, and they each tag five, and so on -- until we get where we may already be, and almost everyone has done it.
I tag Prairie Mary, The Quiet One, Ample Sanity, Chasing Daisy (if you're up for it, if it's distracting -- otherwise, just ignore this), and Wulfgar! If any of you have already done this, well -- hey, I'm busted.
Happy Tuesday.
Posted by: Cindy | 19 December 2006 at 08:10 PM
Shocking, isn't it?
Most folks won't realize, you know, that this is a seriously confessional post.
Posted by: SB | 19 December 2006 at 10:13 PM
#5 - me too! Nits in cakes are a particular abomination, even my mother's wonderful fruit cake is ignored if it has a nut topping.
Thank you for the tag, am desperately trying to think of 5 (a whole 5??) interesting things to share ;-)
Posted by: Daisy | 20 December 2006 at 03:45 PM
I responded to your "meme tag", by the way. I'm just senile and forgot to tell you.
The merriest of merries to you, Sb. Always.
Posted by: Anne | 21 December 2006 at 10:52 PM
Wow. What a grreat list. I love the picture of the bears :-)
How did you get over your writer's block? I mean, obviously you did.
Posted by: Ryan Schultz (Quiplash) | 22 December 2006 at 07:18 PM
Ok I did it finally. I found my list in the star war story.
Posted by: Cathy | 22 December 2006 at 07:22 PM