Today is the last day to submit nominations for this year's Montana Weblog Awards. We are allowed to submit three nominations in each category. Wulfgar! tells us:
However, 6 categories remain without the appropriate number of nominees. Remember, for a weblog to be nominated it needs at least 3 people to nominate it. For a Category to go forward, it needs at least 3 nominees to appear.
. . . you do not need to be a Montanan or even have a website to submit your nominations. You simply must be a reader and aficionado of (some) Montana weblogs. I ask again that you submit your entries as comments to this website [A Chicken Is Not Pillage] (any post will do, what I really need is the email that comes with the comment), or submit to the email [email protected].
This has been a tough one. For one thing, there are so many new Montana blogs that I'm not familiar with, and did not have time to get acquainted before this deadline (though I've added a few to my Bloglines.) So most of my nominations are for blogs I have been reading for awhile -- including this one. And yes, I have nominated my own blog, where I felt it would be competitive.
I didn't nominate in areas I don't know, and I didn't nominate for "Best Post" -- just too overwhelming. If anyone feels that one of my own posts is that good, hey -- go for it. You have until the end of the day to nominate; then the voting begins.
Here are my nominations -- go give them a look, and Happy reading! Oh -- and don't forget to stop by and Introduce Yourself!
Best left leaning blog:
Best right leaning blog:
- I don't read them, so I don't know.
Best independent or libertarian blog:
Best Political blog:
Blog that had the most impact on the 2006 elections:
- I really don't know, so no nomination.
Montana Blog that best represents popular culture:
Best Montana history blog:
Most exemplifies Montana lifestyle:
Most creative Montana blog:
Best photographic Montana blog:
Best written Montana blog:
Most humorous Montana blog:
- Montana Jones
- A Secular Franciscan Life
- A Drivel Runs Through It|Patia Stephens (I realize this is not thought of as a humor blog, but Patia has a sense of humor that runs through everything, and makes me laugh. I especially like her cranky posts. Not that I relate, or anything.)
Best post:
Best series of posts relating to given topic:
- Prairie Mary's series on Animal Control. Sadly, Blogger does not provide categories -- but one of the posts is here, and others surround it. She reminds us: Humans are animals but animals are not human.
Thanks, Sharon, for the generous nominations. I fell like you -- that there are so many new and energetic Montana blogs that I'm a bit dizzy over it. Also, I don't confine my reading to Montana blogs at all -- in fact, many of my favorites are British and/or Canadian. Or bicoastal. I read blogs to get away from local matters.
Prairie Mary
Posted by: Mary Scriver | 05 December 2006 at 05:03 AM