I keep getting visitors who are looking for
Year Haiku -- which I had here, two years ago -- when we did a
Year Haiku collaborative poem dance:
Andrew tells us there
is a tradition of writing a 'positive' haiku on the first day of the year.
His is
here, and
Jill has joined in
Mine is below; if you would like to add yours to the comments, I'll bring it up
for a New Year's poem
is this year's haiku from Andrew. It's a bit late, but I think it's time for
me (and maybe you?) to do it again. Mine is for Niki, today's birthday woman:
old moon, wolf moon
just past new year's
celebration moon

& a quick note -- I've been a bit under the weather, as they say --
and that's why I'm so far behind on emails, responding to comments, and
so on. Please keep on being patient with me. And -- thank you to Patia
for the pointer to the moon names, which I expect to be using all year.

Very late [it's now August] I get back to this, to post:
From Pauline:
Winter Afternoon
Snow birds flit and swirl
Like remnants of windblown leaves.
Dusk descends too soon.
From Cathy:
Wednesday's full moon
brought no snow,
only false dreams.
From 8~) pam:
And we begin
to dance anew
filled with starry hope
and from Anne, a link to Moon Beauty.

My apologies to you all for these months of delay. Your poems are gifts, and I thank you for them.
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