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03 January 2007


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Glad you liked 'em!

I like the haiku.


I hope you're feeling better soon.
Moon themes are cool. My blog used to be called "Shadows in the Moonlight" and my blog name was "SilvermOOn" so you could say I'm just a tad biased. ;)
Enjoyed your New Year Haiku.

Crafty Green Poet

Hope you're feeling better soon! I like haiku a lot, specially haiku about the moon. So I liked yours very much...


haiku - such fun!

Winter Afternoon

Snow birds flit and swirl
Like remnants of windblown leaves.
Dusk descends too soon.


Hope you are feeling better now

Wednesday's full moon
brought no snow,
only false dreams.


And we begin
to dance anew
filled with starry hope

8~) pam


Such a lovely haiku. I keep running into a "moon" theme everywhere i go lately. Perhaps you might like this reference to "moon beauty" as much as i did:


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