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14 May 2007


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Heck if I know. (I'm still trying to figure out 39.)

But ~*~*~HaPPY BiRTHDaY!!!~*~*~




Happy Birthday Sharon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Happy Birthday, Sharon :)


So glad to see you are back blogging! I have missed you. Looks like your garden is in beautiful bloom. My youngest turned 21! How did that happen? Where did all those years go?

Mary Scriver

So glad to see you're posting again!

I put a photo of my grandmother at my age on my blog: homemade dress with lace trim, heeled "old-lady" laceup shoes, etc. Today she would be wearing embroidered pastel sweats with tennie runners! Me? Oh, heck. Jeans, work shirt and bare feet -- though if you're diabetic, you're sposed to wear shoes. My grandmother was NOT diabetic.

Prairie Mary

Shann Palmer

Happy Birthday!!! I was 57 on jan 4th this year- I'm just happy to still be here


Happy Birthday! My mom was 40 when I was born, so I've got a bit to go before I feel like my mother's age. :P

Frances Sbrocchi

When I look in the mirror my mother looks back
disapproving, as usual, but what can she say? Fran S.

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