Cindy sent me this, from Gizmodo.
Shame on her. Shame on them.
And shame on you (and me) for giggling.
Then, from Shelley, we have this -- even more fun, and educational as well:
[I don't believe I've ever embedded a video before; I notice that Shelley just linked to it. Is there a preferred method?] [UPDATE: Well, maybe now I know. I'm getting an unresponsive script notice, so I moved this below the cut, to see if that will help.]
The Cat-O-Sphere has somewhat exploded since I was last active in it. We now have The Cat Blogosphere: We cats are taking over the internets! -- complete with just about everything the blogging cat could want; and Bad Kitty Cats Festival of Chaos (at Catsynth this week.)
And, of course, we still have the Friday Ark at The Modulator (the new world will be cat-abundant, if this ark is anything to go by) and the beloved, original, Carnival of the Cats which is already up at Life from a Cat’s Perspective.
Is that actually a cat ... dressed up as ... a cat? How perturbingly recursive.
Posted by: Robert | 05 August 2007 at 05:57 PM
But you chuckled, didn't you, Robert. Didn't you?
Posted by: SB | 05 August 2007 at 09:47 PM
Shame on me. That's all I have to say.
Posted by: Cindy | 06 August 2007 at 01:18 PM
Okay, I'll admit it: I HAVE to have it! I can't wait for the kitty humiliation. Maybe I'll put it on Max and then get dance with him! Or put it on Maddy and take her for a walk on her harness. Can't wait. Can't wait!
(Please don't think I'm joking.)
Posted by: Courtney | 10 August 2007 at 06:29 PM
But isn't it adorable how he adjusts and manages to be a cat despite his disability ? I mean, look at that zest for life ! Look how feisty that kitty is !
In the wild he would be killed before even reaching adulthood, "death by natural causes" it would be called because truly in the wild a cat such as he cannot exist.
Us simians can care for such and I am happy someone actually chose to do so. This kitty is probably here on this mortal rock to teach us a lesson. If only we choose to recognize it.
Posted by: Babeth | 11 August 2007 at 08:44 AM