On the second of this month, a friend sent me an email:
So I shot back (ok, I didn't shoot it back; I sent it yesterday):
& he responded something along the lines of:
I'll try to decipher this later.
At which point it occurred to me that his first email might not have been an inquiry into my state of health, but a simple question:
are you there?
So I sent this, which I post here so we're all up-to-date:
allow me to elaborate
you said: 'well?'
which i interpreted thusly: 'are you well?'
and so replied: 'no, i am not well. but then, i seldom am. however, i am presently less well than is common, and focusing unduly on same.'
and i then inquired, accordingly, into your state of being: 'and how are you?'
but this interpretation may be a consequence of my current tedious preoccupation with unwellness.
i shall now desist speaking in latinate
i am here.
i am unwell.
I'll be back soon.
Many of us, myself included, are unwell and will remain thus in varying degrees on varying days. How fortunate, then, that "unwell" does not preclude amazing. Or even, on occasion, radiant. The spirit can shine in spite of a body imperfect. Deeper Magic.
Posted by: Anne | 23 September 2007 at 03:11 PM