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15 October 2007


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Simply excellent and powerful too.


Thank you Sharon. This is a wonderful contribution to Blog Action Day.

Damien Riley

Vivid imagery. Nice job.


A powerful poem with a powerful meaning. Thanks for your post for Blog Action Day. I really like that you did your own thing.


Well done, an original way of highlighting blog action day :)

I return to find a poem of strength and beauty. I shall think on it and think again of the wonderful images you bring together. Fran


this is a very moving poem, thanks so much for sharing it


Quite beautiful and inspirational as well. Will check by your site again.


Powerful poetry & powerful polemic too. A rare combination.


I really enjoyed this, it is beautifully written.

This Girl Remembers

Oh my goodness, what a beautiful poem! That you so much for sharing it with us. This one will stay with me all day. :)

my backyard

wow, the spiral took you in so many different directions


"The curve
of the spiral

from the laddered
twist of DNA
to the vast wave

of galaxies"

In a nutshell, there contains all the beauty otherwise known as life. Thanks!

I am reading a lot of poems on life in TOP. Mine too is, in a way...

Crafty Green Poet

I like the unexpected angle you've come from here. I think Beauty is all about sex really, and sex means reproduction and keeps life going


very vivid and seemingly genuine in its feeling and concern... excellent


Lovely. I'm of the inverse mind from Crafty Green; I think reproduction is really all about sex and sex is really all about beauty -- that the beauty is what's real and fundamental, and the physical facts are the incidental ephemera. But I realize I'm in a minority there :-)

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