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03 October 2007


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I like this poem.


This is a great combo of picture and poem. However, the imagery in the poem is incredibly strong, just on its own.


I'm often surprised at the poems that generate interest & comments -- especially from you, Cindy, since I know how high your standards are.

This one came more easily than good ones usually do. That first line -- the last line of a lost dream...


Hi sbpoet,

A wonderful and meaningful poem! This small poem has really strong expressions. I feel I'm standing right there!

Keep writing!



I agree with Jessica. The imagery in this poem is powerful. Thank you for sharing. I really enjoyed it.

The Old Hack

Hi there,

I would love to feature your poem with a link on the 'titbits from elsewhere' section of my blog. Please will you have a look at my blog and let me know if you are agreeable. Thanks.

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