Sunset on the Sangre de Cristo Mountains
for Judd Polivka 1940-1992
In afternoon, sun
becomes more precious, spare
near evening, as it falls
toward that spot, thereon the mountain. That far
spot, where trees thin
and shale shows through.You can see the shape
of the world there
at the curving edge
of sky.In the last moment
sagebrush burns
red. Thenstars. Pale
and countless
as dustas ashes.
Yet another beautiful poem, Sharon. The landscape, although different from those I'm most familiar with, fits closely with the sorts of places where I feel very much at home. The third stanza has particularly strong connotations for me. Then, the rest of the poem seems so strongly to be a life lived intensely; a life to be loved, not regretted.
Posted by: pohanginapete | 01 December 2007 at 11:23 AM
Beautiful. I can see it.
Posted by: kitty | 01 December 2007 at 07:38 PM
Thank you both.
I think Judd would have liked this poem.
Posted by: SB | 05 December 2007 at 09:00 PM