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05 February 2008


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You did it, a Super Tuesday poem!

And, interesting results. Still not sure how I feel about the whole thing, or what to think about it.

A loss for words,


I have to admit "White men check their zippers." was my favorite line, of many.

Good take on the crazy day, and night.


I can't comment on your political system. However, it has a good pace till the end.

Sweet Talking Guy

Nice commentary, Who will it be? Politics are a real mystery to me...


"The citizenry is aroused.
The citizenry is saying No! No! No!
But that's not all.
The citizenry is saying Yes! Yes! Yes!" I like this start and it only gets better, does the citizenry really know what they want?


if we are lucky??? the lesser of two evils.....

very nicely done...


I liked this - it covered all the expectations, etc. Mindst you, there isn't really a mystery.
Whoever it is, they'll adapt, as usual, to Big Biz.


That is a mystery, and a somewhat thriller - but the soup bone is the same...some really fine lines! Nice work!

Linda Jacobs

Oh, yes, you captured the mystery of the political system perfectly!

The zipper line is my favorite, too!

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