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12 March 2008


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oh that was stellar... it was so well interwoven,, the dead and the living,, the dark and the light... i could see it like swirling smoke in a calm room.. this was wonderful......


Beautiful poem. I think you are lucky that your brother visits you in your dreams.

gautami tripathy

Beautiful snapshot! Dream and reality merges at some point. So surreal.


Crafty Green Poet

Beautiful, I love the way this flows and the blending of dream and reality, living and dead


Alchemy as poetry. All those opposites.


Like origami, the words fold into deep visions. Magical, mystical and poignant.


A beautiful poem and lovely tribute to your brother. I like how you brought him alive, he really moves within those lines.


My poem too was about life/death and grief. I agree with paisley, that the poem was interwoven well. I love the imagery of smoke at the end too.

Sweet Talking Guy

He will stay alive in your thoughts, as long as you think of him. Lovely poem!


Beautifully done - the repetition of certain words and phrases is most effective


O how "fold" becomes an ominous, insidious siren in your surreal world.

Quite a sc-fi piece!

Linda Jacobs

Like a braid, your words flow over and around and under pulling a ribbon of emotion with them. Loved it!


this one gives me a strange feeling ... the recurrence of some lines and the many opposites give the poem something suspended, as if it's travelling back and forth somewhere in between two worlds ... like a dream:-) Very powerful.

gautami tripathy

Intertwined images. Thats how I see this!

numbing nirvana

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