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06 March 2008


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Oh, crap - I've been inadvertently relevant:

What sounds fraudulent to me in all this is the presumption that there can be a one-size-fits-all teaching. Idries Shah would've had this guy for lunch (presuming he even deigned to comment on him).


I am also reading A New Earth and the chapter you mentioned in Happiness Hypothesis. I find it all fascinating and exciting and mostly in agreement with what I believe. I do not feel that the author, Tolle, at all presumes that this is a one size fits all, but rather says there are many paths to the same end. And yes, we have heard much of it before, in the same and different words, but for me, that just reinforces that there are some basic principles that seem to hold true. It is the way in which he is able to explain these concepts that seems to be making an impact on many of his readers.


Idries Shah! Now there was a teacher.

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