Orange Cat Incantation
Marmalade, Ginger, Tangerine, Sun
Mandarin, Copper, Knockabout, Buns
Butterscotch, Caramel, Jasper, Red
Kitty, Bobby, Frodo, Fred
Dolly, Lovey, Silly, Bruce
Blaze, Lily, Annabelle, Juice
Queen, Buddy, Bengal, Rose
Mimosa, Pumpkin, Stumbler, Toes
Squash, Secret, Orange Cat, Crayon,
Hobbes, Nefarion, Isis, Melon
Baby, Puma, Rusty, Grace
Peaches, Clingy, Kittycat, Lace,
Apricot, Cayenne, Cinnamon, Spice
Scarlet, Crimson, Goldie, Spike!
For all of you, and all the rest
Of all the cats, Orange Cats are best!
OK, OK, before you others come at me claws-out, all the cats are best. Grey cats, black cats, white cats, striped cats -- you are all marvels. Every single one of you. There's just something about the humans owned by orange cats that drives them to the internet, doing orange cat searches that land them here at Watermark.
I recently received a rather rudely-phrased comment, complaining that there is no list of names for orange cats here. Well, there ya go. Some of these are cats of my acquaintance, or cats who live with long-tall-biped people who stop by here to tell their orange cat stories. And then, of course, I have my own anonymous sources...
You will find more orange cats at Watermark, with lots of other orange cat links:
Spike wishes you a great weekend:
[Hmm. There should be pictures of Spike there. I'm in a TypePad beta, and there have been a few glitches -- I bet this is one of them. I'll submit a help ticket, and you should see him there soon.]
Here's a graceful photo of Spike, to hold you over:

For current cats of many colors, try:
- Carnival of the Cats now at CatSynth; this Sunday it will be at The M-Cats Club
- Weekend Cat Blogging now at Bad Kitty Cats Journal; this weekend will be at The Cat Blogosphere
- Bad Kitty Cats Festival of Chaos is at Mind of Mog; and will be at The Catboys Realm
- Friday Ark #186 at Modulator
i have had two orange cats in my day,, one a female many moons ago named tokei,, and now an adopted male,, i just call mean boy... cuz he is....
Posted by: paisley | 11 April 2008 at 08:11 PM
Hey, speaking of orange cats...
Has anyone ever heard of painted cats? You can really paint your cat if you know how to do it correctly. Very interesting.
Posted by: pictures of cats | 12 April 2008 at 11:41 AM
Friends of mine have an orange cat and often mention that he has what they call "orange cat syndrome." They maintain that orange cats have different temperaments from non-orange cats.
But of course it doesn't matter. My friends and I think all cats are wonderful, no matter what their color.
Posted by: Rahel | 12 April 2008 at 10:41 PM
orange cats are wonderful! and they love each other
Posted by: lolo | 28 March 2011 at 01:06 AM