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22 May 2008


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yay! a new post, a new poem and a new moon poem. I especially like, "you hide in the rain" and "tulips and violets open their hearts" .


Excellent poem with a touch of bittersweet in it


Lovely. And the moon holds its own particular enchantment. When i was young, it followed me everywhere at night -- I thought the moon was mine.

carol bleichert

i can relate to that last verse... :) the poem is lovely, i too like ' tulips and violets open their hearts' .... beautiful...

i enjoy your poetry very much...



I do love your moon poems and the explanations. Bits of scientific lore and natural history make me so happy. Thanks!


i had to change my domain name to whypaisley.com please change your links and or feed as necessary

all you will have to do is remove the - from between why and paisley,, everything else will remain the same and will redirect you to the correct page.... sorry for the inconvenience...


O Sharon you have made me lonely for the plants and places I once knew--I shall keep this one in my heart. Fran

Crafty Green Poet

Lovely poem, specailly the way you describe the squirrels in their youthful games...

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