So. Lanny Davis is circulating a petition asking Obama to select Hillary Clinton for Vice President, presumably with her approval.
I don't get it.
Why would she want to be V.P.? She is one of the most powerful senators we have, and there are many ways she could serve a new administration from that post, or many others. She is experienced, and has many supporters -- she is, in fact, his senior in every way. This is a woman who, I think, might have been an excellent president. But vice president?
A Clinton-Obama ticket would make sense to me, but an Obama-Clinton ticket does not.
Let me be clear -- I am not unhappy that Obama won. I watched myself move back and forth between them throughout this long process, and I never landed. They each bring particular strengths to this campaign, and I am as overcome that we have a black candidate as I would be with a woman candidate. I didn't expect to see either in my lifetime.
I just don't think Clinton is cut out to be a second, and I don't think she should accept it. I have been, on a tiny executive scale, both a first and a second. I liked second.
I don't think she will
Can anyone explain this to me?
On a personal note, my attention has been on my real life this past few weeks, nursing my ill cat and enjoying house guests. Spike is doing better. I think he is going to recover and live another eight years.
I shall return to writing soon.
Glad to hear about Spike's recovery!
I have absolutely no insights into HRC's motivations.
Posted by: Dave | 04 June 2008 at 05:06 PM
Because she got a big ego to feed!
I watch her speech last night and to me, she was nothing but a sore loser. Clinton is more or less trying to blackmail Obama for the Vp job. I wouldn't put it past her to do something that would hurt Obama presidency, so she'll have a better chance in the next election. Besides, didn't she say earlier that she didn't want it.
Well, hopefully Obama finds somebody else to be his running mate. Bottom line she can't be trusted at all.
Glad to hear that Spike is doing good. If you have a chance, stop by my blog. Have pictures of a black bear, who's being very bad
Posted by: Cathy | 04 June 2008 at 07:13 PM
Yay Spike. This is bright news.
As far as HRC's motivations, I am not sure she can ever settle for Veep, not after tasting the top spot. I like the idea of her as AG or on the Supreme Court. She could have an incredible effect in either of those spots.
I prefer Richardson for Veep, at the moment.
Posted by: ...deb | 06 June 2008 at 02:17 PM