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04 June 2008


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Glad to hear about Spike's recovery!

I have absolutely no insights into HRC's motivations.


Because she got a big ego to feed!

I watch her speech last night and to me, she was nothing but a sore loser. Clinton is more or less trying to blackmail Obama for the Vp job. I wouldn't put it past her to do something that would hurt Obama presidency, so she'll have a better chance in the next election. Besides, didn't she say earlier that she didn't want it.

Well, hopefully Obama finds somebody else to be his running mate. Bottom line she can't be trusted at all.

Glad to hear that Spike is doing good. If you have a chance, stop by my blog. Have pictures of a black bear, who's being very bad


Yay Spike. This is bright news.

As far as HRC's motivations, I am not sure she can ever settle for Veep, not after tasting the top spot. I like the idea of her as AG or on the Supreme Court. She could have an incredible effect in either of those spots.

I prefer Richardson for Veep, at the moment.

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