Its weight unfelt
until absent, the
braid lies on
the hair dresser's
table. No tears
in my chair,
she said, and
there were none.
In the Twenties,
this was scandalous,
women cutting off
their hair. What's
left is grey.
Today women cut
their hair when
the divorce is
final, or when
he leaves. In
rage, or mourning,
or relief, they
take the scissors
to their own
heads; or, light-
headed, they step
out of salons,
new women. The
hair dresser sweeps
the floor, packs
away the braid
for the wig-
makers. Left behind,
a foot or
two of plaited
history. We shake
our heads, remember
that forgotten gesture,
pushing bangs from
the eyes,
our own
our own
18" of braid! Someone will benefit greatly from your gift. And your new short hair looks great!
Posted by: niki | 25 July 2008 at 04:45 PM
Whoa! didn't realize your hair was that long!
Posted by: Cathy | 25 July 2008 at 07:10 PM
Great poem about a huge change in your life. When I had my hair cut short (it was no where as near as long as yours) it signalled a change in my life...not a huge change like a divorce but just a change in direction.
I hope the change that you had was a positive one. And you can always put a new and exciting colour in your fabulous short hair, if you want to be rid of the grey.
Posted by: Bev | 26 July 2008 at 08:41 PM
Nice writing, having your haircut can be a big step - a fresh start, perhaps.
Posted by: Sweet Talking Guy.. | 27 July 2008 at 02:37 PM
I like the way you shaped the poem to suit the subject.
Posted by: stan ski | 27 July 2008 at 07:42 PM
Very cool.
I particularly like the concrete poetry aspect--that was intentional, right?
Posted by: YogaforCynics | 28 July 2008 at 12:20 AM
Yes, the 'concrete' shape was intentional -- the only concrete poem I've written that was intended to be one from the start.
This may sound odd -- but I didn't know it was that long, either. Having it professionally braided, while still wet, straightened and, seemingly, lengthened it.
I do love the haircut, and hope for a fresh start.
Posted by: SB | 29 July 2008 at 02:37 PM
This is wonderful, so deftly done.
Posted by: jo | 29 July 2008 at 03:24 PM