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02 July 2008


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I love the picture - makes me want to be there. I can smell the flowers, feel the sun shining in, taste the strawberry shortcake and capaccino, and hear the classical music in the background.

You have a squirrel to share your (break bread with) breakfast. Thanks for sharing this lovely poem.


What a lovely spread...I can see her tiny hands, and the largeness of life too, and am delighted.


Some very precise and evocative images here... I like the traveling breadcrumb, the idea of "neighbours oddly unknown. And as someone else who's in Winter when my normal home is in Summer, I do very much empathise with the first verse!


Oh, I really like the juxtaposition of neighbors unknown and your animal friends. And the image of the ant bearing the light. Very nice.

Crafty Green Poet

I love your description of the squirrel and the circle of nature continuing with the imagined ant. Lovely poem


Great progression from/to the light. I like your use of movement around the speaker who longs to move, the "tiny hands," the "breadcrumb," the "strong-backed ant."

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