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22 July 2008


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I'm so sorry.


Oh no! Sorry to hear about this, will be thinking of you tomorrow.


I'm so sorry...


a remarkable critter to hold in your heart forever...


What a wonderful tribute to an old friend, and I'm sorry you have to part now.


That's a beautiful tribute to Spike. We're sorry he has to go to the rainbow Bridge. Purrrrrrs for all of you.


I'm so glad you get a little more time together.

Mary Scriver

Spike, consuming himself from within, collapsing like a tent with a sinking centerpole, eyes closing from their smoking wicks, and yet an ember burns on in his head or heart. Tiger, tiger, sinking light, going into quiet night.

Prairie Mary


I like what you have written here, prairie mary.

Kashim & Othello

We are sorry Spike has to go!
It's hard to leave and it's even harder to let go.
purrrrrs and love to you all!

CatSynth (Amar and Luna)

We are so sorry to hear about Spike.
That is a lovely tribute in words and photos for him. And we're glad you get to spend a little more time together.
Sending our thoughts and purrs.

Victor Tabbycat's Mom

I'm sorry I didn't read this sooner. Spike sounds so much like Bonnie, who left us at the end of May. The tough ones, the bullies, the lions in the living room, leave a deep impression. What is it about the grumpy ones? Lovable curmudgeons.
My thoughts are with you.

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