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27 August 2008


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No rush to come back. At least this time you have a good excuse ;) But when you do come back in full force, I'll have some new poems for you.

I'm sorry about the passing of Spike, Sharon. What a fine threnody in the previous post. rest well, but not for too long!


"I have frequent reminders of his absence, in all the things I no longer must do."

This is a very good observation: how we remember those we've lost not only because of what they do for us but because of what we have done for them. It's sad to release obligations born from caring and compassion.

Have a good break. Don't get any paper cuts.


And, don't try to quit smoking and watch this political year !!

It's enough to drive one to drink !!

Now, with a good glass of anything comes a smoke :o)

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