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16 August 2008


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Kashim & Othello

We are so sorry to hear Spike is gone.
Our thoughts are with you!
sending hugs and gentle headbumpies

Kashim, Othello and Salome


So sorry to hear about Spike.
Sending purrs and purrayers.

Samantha & Mr. Tigger

Our purrrs are with you! We are so sorry to hear about Spike! Lots of purrrrs and hugs!
Your FL furiends,

The Island Cats

We're sorry to hear about Spike. You have our deepest sympathies.

Wally, Ernie & Zoey

purrchance to dream

Our condolences for your loss.
Sending purrs and prayers.

Laila and Minchie

We are so sorry for the loss of your Spike. He will always have a special place in your heart.

Laila and Minchie


We're so sorry, this have been maybe the saddest week evur :(

Mommy Jenny

I'm so sorry to hear about Spike. We lost our dear Felix this week, too. We send you warm thoughts and hugs.

Bless you,
Mommy Jenny


All of Spike's friends on the Ark will miss him!

Our thoughts are with you

Zippy, Sadie & Speedy

We're so sorry for your loss. all we can offer is a hug...((((hug))))

Victor Tabbycat

We is so sorry! Yur rite, Spike will always be wif you. Der's no doubt in my mind, he knew how much you luved him. Purrs and hugs,
Victor & Tabbymom Jen

Jan's Funny Farm

What a handsome guy Spike was! We are sorry for your loss. We read his eulogy, so we know he was very special to you and you will miss him very much.



Sharon I'm so sorry to hear about this. you are in my thoughts

Jasper McKitten-Cat

We are so sorry for your loss. We are sending you soft purrs and prayers.

Rest in peace Spike.

-The McKitten-Cats

Molly and Shadow

(((((( HUGS )))))) We are sorry to hear that Spike had to go and be at the bridge. TT will be there to greet him and Fatty will surely share some of her food that she has with her.


I did not know Spike,but I, and my sisfurs, are very sorry to hear that he is gone.

Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie

The Meezers

We are so very sorry to learn about Spike. He will be waiting for you at the Rainbow Bridge. Until you meet again, he will be happy and playing in the meadows.

Spike, rest well. Until we meet at The Bridge

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

We're sorry to hear about Spike.
Headbonks and purrs to you.

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids


My sympathies, Sharon.

Mindy & Moe

We didn't get to know, Spike, but what a lovely looking cat he was. We are so sorry for your loss. (((hugs)))of comfort from us

Mindy & Moe


We just learned about Spike on the CB. We are so very, very sory for your loss...


We's so sorry Spike had to go to the Bridge today. We's sorry for yore loss. We are sending yoo lots of purrs.
the Hotties

mamacat & the furrypurries

We are so sad to hear the news about Spike. You wrote a wonderful tribute to him. We will be thinking of you and praying for you.
MamaCat & the FurryPurries
Ozzy, Alice, Bootsie, Freckles, Lola, Dandelo & baby Honey


I'm so sorry. {{{Hugs}}}

Ikaika & the Girl Cats

We are so sorry about Spike. We didn't meet him before but we can tell he was one of the kitty greats. We send comforting purrs and wish you sweet memories of your special boy, Spike.

'Kaika, Tabbygail, Tanith, Midnight, Blackie and Miss Kitty

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