Two weeks ago, Belle came home with me from the Western Montana Humane Society:

Yes, she really is just 3 1/2 months old. My vet didn't believe it either, until she checked her teeth. Really. A kitten.
She's going to be huge.
She follows me around like a puppy. She retrieves, too.
A few days later, Diane, who took me to the shelter to find my cat, returned to take home (as yet formally unnamed, but currently known as Monkey) this kitty:
Then, I left Belle (for a week!) to visit my mother and her cat, Gracie:
A week in Arizona, sun and warmth and relatives, thanks to the several cat-care, kitten-care, dog-care, parakeet-care, fish-care, and house-care friends. I thank them, my mother thanks them, the critters thank them.
I met other cats in Arizona (Cocoa [or perhaps KoKo], Spunky, Blue, Cooter) but wasn't quick enough with the camera.
TWO adoptions! That's great news -- and two fine lookin' kitties there...welcome home.
Posted by: Cindy | 08 December 2008 at 11:53 AM