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24 June 2009


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gautami tripathy

I like the wild desire contained in this..the yearning..

Mine is so mundane compared to this:

stuff I never told you


Interesting piece. It had me wondering if the listener had changed between the first two stanzas. Love the vivid descriptions :)

Donald Harbour

Sharon, I really did like this poem. A frolic "into that unknown wilderness, that anarchy of desire." That is one powerful statement. I have always enjoyed anarchy! Desire is such a personal and powerful emotion, maybe one of the most driven. This is a wonderful piece.

Mark's Notebook

Very cool and enchanting.

One narrator, different settings. I like this a lot.


Very astute! This began with each stanza speaking to a different lover.


I must confess that recent developments in the political arena helped inspire this poem.

Lawrence Gladeview

this was a refreshing piece, on of the only other "rebellion" poems towards mother that i have read today, the other being mine. broken into beautiful stanzas that put me beside the river and torn between parental respect and a lover's lust. -lawrence


I like the structure so much. Brief glimpses and details keep it from being overly sentimental. If I were to pick a favorite, it must be the 2nd. Peonies = ecstatic.


Love the image of the scratchy blanket!


To me this has a feel of the Chinese poets about it. Perhaps it is the accompanying image, and also the beautiful selection of minimal detail. So much accomplished in a few words.


I love how these pieces work together. I would love to see more of them.


Like walking through a gallery of vivid scenes -- wonderful.


Beautiful poem. The "anarchy of desire" is powerful, and the peonies stanza is so sensual and full of looking back/yearning.


I do like the Chinese poets, but was not conscious of their influence when I wrote this.


Thanks, Dana -- more stanza of this poem, or more poems like this? And if door number two, like this how?


Thank you all for your comments!

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