I did go out that summer day
with an old lover, into the mountains.
We had a meal by the river, then
lay together and made love
on the scratchy blanket.
Peonies make me think of you,
how they open, and open, unfolding
petal after petal, so lush, so brazen;
how we chased each other, room
to room, naked and ecstatic.
If you had asked, I would have
gone with you. I would have
left all rules behind, followed you,
led the way into that unknown
wilderness, that anarchy of desire.
This week's prompt was what i could never tell my mother. I changed it just a bit.
I like the wild desire contained in this..the yearning..
Mine is so mundane compared to this:
stuff I never told you
Posted by: gautami tripathy | 25 June 2009 at 12:14 AM
Interesting piece. It had me wondering if the listener had changed between the first two stanzas. Love the vivid descriptions :)
Posted by: Sam | 25 June 2009 at 12:58 AM
Sharon, I really did like this poem. A frolic "into that unknown wilderness, that anarchy of desire." That is one powerful statement. I have always enjoyed anarchy! Desire is such a personal and powerful emotion, maybe one of the most driven. This is a wonderful piece.
Posted by: Donald Harbour | 25 June 2009 at 07:05 AM
Very cool and enchanting.
One narrator, different settings. I like this a lot.
Posted by: Mark's Notebook | 25 June 2009 at 08:02 AM
Very astute! This began with each stanza speaking to a different lover.
Posted by: sbpoet | 25 June 2009 at 10:37 AM
I must confess that recent developments in the political arena helped inspire this poem.
Posted by: sbpoet | 25 June 2009 at 10:38 AM
this was a refreshing piece, on of the only other "rebellion" poems towards mother that i have read today, the other being mine. broken into beautiful stanzas that put me beside the river and torn between parental respect and a lover's lust. -lawrence
Posted by: Lawrence Gladeview | 25 June 2009 at 02:27 PM
I like the structure so much. Brief glimpses and details keep it from being overly sentimental. If I were to pick a favorite, it must be the 2nd. Peonies = ecstatic.
Posted by: Deb | 25 June 2009 at 07:18 PM
Love the image of the scratchy blanket!
Posted by: Andy | 26 June 2009 at 05:10 AM
To me this has a feel of the Chinese poets about it. Perhaps it is the accompanying image, and also the beautiful selection of minimal detail. So much accomplished in a few words.
Posted by: Catherine | 26 June 2009 at 05:31 PM
I love how these pieces work together. I would love to see more of them.
Posted by: Dana | 27 June 2009 at 08:29 PM
Like walking through a gallery of vivid scenes -- wonderful.
Posted by: Nathan | 29 June 2009 at 02:31 PM
Beautiful poem. The "anarchy of desire" is powerful, and the peonies stanza is so sensual and full of looking back/yearning.
Posted by: Erin | 30 June 2009 at 10:49 PM
I do like the Chinese poets, but was not conscious of their influence when I wrote this.
Posted by: sbpoet | 01 July 2009 at 07:02 PM
Thanks, Dana -- more stanza of this poem, or more poems like this? And if door number two, like this how?
Posted by: sbpoet | 01 July 2009 at 07:03 PM
Thank you all for your comments!
Posted by: sbpoet | 01 July 2009 at 07:03 PM