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22 July 2009


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Oh, it may feel an odd side of you, but the pair works so well together. I like the diptych as a whole, even the exposition. (The second is my favorite, though.)

Stan Ski

A great study of the human condition.


I love the way you made this into a diptych. I think it's masterful that you make the end of the second poem take us back thematically to the beginning of the first piece.

Dave Jarecki

Great fun with these two poems. Amazing music mixed with thought provocation. I especially love,

"we must hear
the descant of the Dervish
or die with the devils"


Like you, I worked to then fro but quite so eloquently. I also favour the second part, just a little over the first.


Oops! NOT quite so eloquently, I meant!

gautami tripathy

Awesome words you used seamlessly!

love dances from a to z


That *would* have been masterful, wouldn't it? -- if I had done it consciously.


I like the second best, too.


i like how you go into the trail of letters and back out again. it's a great mirrored effect.

and i think the fact that humans are knowing of our own likely extinction (and really slow to do a damn thing about it) would be wonderful to explore more in poetry and metaphor. but it is hard, you're right!


A challenging circle of format turns the tide and produces a finely tuned piece of thoughtful poetics! I really enjoyed this!


I like how you inverted...and went full circle


Nice. I love "we band / together, a braid / of betrothal and betrayal." And you went forward AND backward. What an accomplishment. I am so impressed. OMG.


I agree with Dana. Impressive indeed!


I like both parts ....nicely done

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