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04 August 2009


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Beautiful. I mean, really wonderful. It's been a great week this week at RWP. That Dorianne knows how to get the poetry party started, does she not?

How did it feel to write this? I know some of the prompts are ones you go after and have several takes on. Did this one just spill out?

Mark's Notebook

I can't tell you how much I enjoyed this. I agree with Dana. There have been so many wonderful pieces shared from this prompt...


A lot of memories here; sights and sounds, tastes and smells. Very evocative.


Dana, I worked hard on this one, and I'm not actually happy with it. Too prosaic, and too long.

Mark & Derrick: thanks for coming by, & I'm glad you enjoyed it -- even if it's not my best!


Fantastic -- I love everything about it. Your line breaks are wonderful, like the one after "fingertip." The connection between landscape and human life is wonderfully painted.


great read...and nice response to prompt


I like how all the images spill out, like it happens when a person is remembering. The food images are especially striking and they tie it all together for me.

one more believer

what a wonderful post...it is a rare piece so vivid as if we are there and can see everything you have experienced....

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