August 2009: Nancy, my next-door neighbor and friend of fourteen years had a sudden and frightening health crisis. After, she seemed fine. They told us she was fine.
September 2009: My mother experienced what we expected to be a temporary health crisis. I went to Arizona to help her settle back home, to set up support services for her. Within a few weeks, she, her sister, and I realized this was not the way it would go, and she went into Hospice care.
October 12, 2009: My mother died. I am grateful to have been with her during these final weeks, to have been of use, and to reconnect with my aunt and her family.
April 2010: The sewer lines in our building backed up, and while we were still coping with this, Nancy died suddenly and unexpectedly of heart failure. I was grateful again -- to have been the one who found her, to be able to sit with her for awhile before they took her body away, to know that she went quietly, peacefully, in her sleep. I still miss her every day.
July 2010: Lucy, my senior dog (13 years old) died after several weeks of illness. Yet more missing.
September 2010: My dear friend Abigail came from England for a three-week visit. It was wonderful to have my house again filled with Abigailian energy, and for both of us to remember that we are loved.
November 2009 to present: Thanks to my mother, my house and garden have been undergoing long-delayed maintainence. The house is now in full repair, secure, energy-efficient, finished, and more beautiful than before. A few projects are not quite finished, but close -- and all this has provided welcome distraction.
Next: To reignite my writing habit, I have enrolled in three classes that begin this week. I plan to devote my October energy to this end, so perhaps you will find me here more often.
I hope so.
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