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19 January 2011


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I love your photo--what an expressive, joyful-looking child you were. I also love your song choice. I am enjoying Dream Lab in some respects, but agree that it is extremely difficult to connect--even exhausting--and I don't really feel I'm building a community with anyone in this format... I thank you for being honest in your comments about your frustration.


Thank you, Tiffany. It's always helpful to know I'm not alone.


That is apt way of saying it. I now feel better about taking time away from the comments or only reading the first few.
I think we all just need to talk about it. I enjoy your comments and I really enjoy the class but it is hard to build community.
You are so cute as a three year older and I love that song!

Tilly Bud

What a gorgeous child you were!

Jeanne Aguilar

I think that's a beautiful poem.

Elizabeth C

Love the tenderness and care you take with your words and their purpose. Also like the references to day and night, light and dark, and the echoes of that throughout the piece. Wish someone had said this to me when I was young. Beautiful,



oh, this is great: "love what you love!" and the last stanza makes me so delighted, too!


How wonderful your words and snap. I can take these inside and feel better.


Beautiful poem and beautiful child.


Thank you, all.


I adore that picture. What a smile!

The poem, while adult in tone, ends on something small children can understad. Which really ties this up into a neat little bow, so to speak.


Adorable photo, and such wise, tender advice to yourself.


Love the advice given to self, and with such gentleness and love, as if indeed it were given to the child that forever resides within


I've been thinking of this on and off ... such a lush inevitability, an openness in the poem that lets me put myself in it (save for the adorable photo!) ; the energy of the photo.


OMG, that picture is amazing! Such bright eyes. It looks like my mom cut your bangs. Usually crooked because of me fussing.

I'm still incredibly frustrated w/ the DL. I cannot for the life of me register for the community forum. I've probably spent an hour trying. Andrea is trying to help but no use so far.

Are you registered?


Susie, I am registered, and I'm so much happier with the forum platform than the interminable comments - which I still read, but don't feel bad about not responding.

The forum allows for actual conversations. I hope you get in there soon.

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