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21 February 2011


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Whoa! you are pretty good at this! You did an excellent job with everything.

But don't feel bad for doing the scrapbooking. I too have a few too many kits sitting in my hard drive. Though I tend use them for artworks and signs for at works. I get my paid stuff here


and the freebies here



joined twitter recently and found your name - I remember running across Watermark a long time ago, so it seemed familiar. I felt moved to comment reading this. I don't want to give advice :) but one option is to thank your defensiveness for visiting, then show it the door, because you are busy moving forward with your beautiful efforts. You seem engaged on a deep level with this work and the pages are certainly lovely, so who care's what or whose kind of work it is!!! on the other hand, I know exactly what you are facing


This is gorgeous! I'd love to see more of it.


Your scrap-booking pages are gorgeous. I would love to try this but know nothing about it. I have a beginners question. Are you doing this digitally.. all on the computer.. or are you using real touch and feel binders? Or both? I think you have inspired me. :-)

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