The Three Muses challenge this week is The Written Word. Earlier today I did this for another challenge at Scrapbookgraphics, which includes an old poem of mine, thus, written words:
The original poem is here, with audio: Bell. I'll probably do another, specifically for this challenge. In the meantime, here's another I did for the Scrapbookgraphics challenge:
These are supposed to be "fantasy" layouts. I don't know that these are that, but faeries aren't really my thing.
Finally, this one for Collage Obsession:
And now that I look at it, this doesn't really fit the challenge, which was:
I want you to create a surreal place BUT you must use at least ONE of your previous COlLAGE OBSESSION creations in total somehow in your surreal world.
Nothing surreal, really, here. So another to do-over. A true challenge, too, as I tried several things before coming up with this. But, I learn something with each one, so on to the next.
All images are linked to flickr, where you will find full credits and larger images.
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