This is why I've been absent from online: my house was full of people, for a week. Friends from college came together, for the first time in more than twenty-five years, right here.
We watched Up. I'm told I laughed. A lot.
We went to The Garden of One Thousand Buddhas. We had lunch and art at the Hangin Art Gallery in Arlee.
We remembered, we ate, we laughed, and we talked & talked & talked. We Skyped two absent friends.
Then I slept for over a week. Well worth it! And now, this week, my English friend Abigail comes to stay for a month.
A full life for me just now, a full In-Real-Life.
So, later here.
Enjoy! It is always wonderful to be with friends.
Posted by: Suz Warren | 01 August 2011 at 10:01 PM