It's been awhile since I posted pages that have been noticed and published elsewhere:
“Art is literacy of the heart”. -Eliot Eisne For ARTchaeology of the Soul: Week 4
This page was chosen for Gallery Standouts @ DigiShopTalk
Used as an example in Art Journaling: Exploring Your Emotions blog post at Digi Shop Talk.
Epiphany For Art Journal Caravan w/Tangie Baxter: Itinerary #23 {Wordography: Epiphany}
This piece was featured on the AJC Blog.
Why Smart People Are Stupid The text is from The New Yorker: Frontal Cortex, by Johah Lehrer. Conclusion: smart people are even better at fooling themselves than not-so-smart people. How reassuring . . .
This page was featured in Gallery Standouts and AJC Blog/Weekly Highlights.
My flickr set of "Noticed" pages:
[Click the images to see credits & larger sizes at flickr.]
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