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11 June 2016


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WOW! Both of these are top notch. The black swan is an evocative touch, and I see why you like the second so much. It's beautifully intricate! Thanks for sharing.


Yes, both ARE top notch. Fantastic. I am especially thrilled because black swans are native to my part of Australia and they are prolific around rivers and wetlands here in the south-west. The black swan is the emblem on our State flag.
Thanks for sharing your two wonderful pieces with your friends at Take a Word.


Love both but especially the blackbird and swan!


Both are simply gorgeous...love the swan and the textures...excellent.

Christine Gomes

I like both of them and the explanation of how the expression "black swan" has changed throughout time.


Two fantastic pieces, I love the 2011 one!!

ann baker

Both pieces are absolutely wondrous. You rock, my friend.

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