I want to tell you
how spring feels
in Alaska, next
to the sea,
with aspen & cedar
with eagles & gulls.
I want to tell you
how spring feels
here, beside
the river, with spruce
& pine, with robins
& crows. I want
to tell you how
this sky stretches
between mountains,
how it blues.
Life teaches grief here.
May snow takes the lilacs.
I want you to know how my body
cries. I want to tell you how
your touch lifts me out
of myself. I want to tell you how
words catch in my throat
how I choke
on them.
I want to tell you
what I want to hear,
how my ears long for it,
how I listen.
You tell me you don’t understand.
I want to tell you how to understand.
I want to tell you how I feel when you hold me, how it’s homesafe.
I want to tell you who I am, how I became. I want to tell you what I see
when I look at you, that you do not see
when you look at yourself. I want you to know
how it feels
to love you. I want to tell you what it’s like to be old, how it feels to fall,
how the bed holds me down in the morning.
I want to tell you the colors of sky at sunset, the gold, the purple, the green.
I want to tell you the smell of horses, of hay, of barns. The sounds
of grasses swaying in wind.
~sharon brogan may 02019
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