That's it: My 30 Day Photo Challenge Flickr Set. Now I'm thinking of trying a poem a day for National Poetry Month in April. That would be more difficult to pull off, though. And less entertaining for you, I bet.
I believe this garden may have been designed by the person who helps me with mine: Lori Parr Campbell of Kinship Gardens, here in Missoula, Montana, USA.
No, I don't believe in magical crystals, but I do believe in
mindfulness. These stones -- gifts to me years ago -- in my pocket remind me of what I strive for, with varied success:
clarity (the clear crystal) and an open heart (the rose quartz.)
The green ring belonged to a friend's grandmother, and has become something of a trademark for me; the silver ring is, I believe, Tlingit -- Bear, with its tongue out, to either catch good spirits or frighten off bad ones, I forget which.
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