No, I'm not sticking my tongue out at you. Really.
But I do love that Wild Thing.
Yesterday was the first day of Holidailies, and we were invited to introduce ourselves. Those of you who have been reading Watermark for awhile know me, probably, better than I know myself; but how to introduce myself, and Watermark, to new readers? I could send you to my rather quirky About Page, but you might feel a bit overwhelmed. I've no idea whether my regular readers ever check that out. Do you?
I took this opportunity to play a bit with fd's flickr toys and Picnik
to make the above wintry self-portrait. This is one of the reasons I
blog: for the fun of it; to play with words and images and ideas.
I am an introvert | poet | snapshotter | blogger. I've been blogging for nearly four years now (with the odd brief or extended break) during which Watermark has collected a surprising number of patient and loyal readers. They (you) are also surprisingly diverse. (Want to know more about Watermark's readers? Check out -- and join! -- the Introduce Youself post.)
adore the sidebar, with its widgets and gadgets and pointers elsewhere;
some find it unnecessarily cluttered and distracting. Some, who come
for my more serious writing, find the cats and quizzes trivial; others come for only those. Some love the look of it; some rarely see it, as they get my posts by subscription
or email (check the top of the sidebar if you'd like to join them) and
come visit only when they want to comment or I request feedback on a
design change.
So maybe Watermark is a bit like Montana weather: Don't like it? Wait a minute; it will change. If you aren't taken with today's post, try again tomorrow.
tempting to say that I am like that, too -- changeable and varied and
surprising; moody and capricious and fickle. But actually, I'm not. I
am, in fact, rather steady and predictable.
This exercise reminds me
that one is not always what one seems to be on the internet -- or in 3D
life. I am, however, quite transparent here, and tend to forget that
others may not be. I'm as surprised when, on occasion, someone doubts
me, as I am to discover that I should have doubted them.
But that's another post altogether. In the meantime, here I am. And I'm also, sometimes, at Abide | Resources & Reflections on Living with Chronic Illness; and Blogging Blog | Tips, Tools & Toys for the Personal Blogger.
Edited to add:
One Time Opportunity Is there something you'd like to know about me? Ask, and I'll answer. I won't necessarily tell the truth, but if the answer is fictional, I'll tell you so.
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