[Another Didi challenge]
MP3 File
Praise be to flowered
flannel that softens
and fades with age.
Praise to checkered
slippers knitted by
elderly aunts from
left-over yarn, thick
slippers to cushion
& warm our wandering
feet. Praise to happy
pom-poms, to antique
lace; praise to hooded,
over-sized robes with
rolled sleeves; floor-
length robes of terry
& fleece. Praise to satin
& silk; praise to clinging
fabrics carefully folded
into ribboned boxes
by hopeful lovers & well-
wishing friends. Praise
to boxers and too-big
T-shirts, snatched from
the closets of intimate
strangers. Praise to high-
heeled slippers & slippers
shaped like rabbits. Blessed
be all that keeps us warm,
alley cats & pomeranians,
cuddlers, snugglers, back-
sleepers, side-sleepers,
spooners, quilted duvets
& comforters: Praised be.

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