Joining us at the table today:
Amanda sends Friday cat blogging
Lisa sends Keeping Siofra Warm
Zozo sends EnNui KaTz
Jack sends You Could Learn A Lot From Boo
Lesley sends Friday Cat Blogging (a Jane & Emma debut!)
Sarah sends Minerva went for a spin…; more bebe blogging; ok, so maybe she’s just creepy [ed. note: I've never seen a cross-eyed cat before!]; and minerva is the cutest
Shelley sends Always Off
bwells sends sabrina of the glowing eyes and my son's latest lego creation [I'm not sure which is spookier]
Rob sends Obligatory Friday Cat Blog
SA sends a mystery entry. I don't know what language this is, and the link takes me to a page with pictures of dogs; but this person has tried very hard (four emails) to get on the list, so here it is.
J.R. sends Tiger Having a Thanksgiving Day Moment [we seem to have lots of comics this week]
Laurence sends Catsgiving Feast, and also sends us to a proposed Catblogger's Code of Practice [Note that Laurence is doing a poll on Which cat should be the Carnival of the Cats model for December?]
Jazz sends Friday Cat Blogging, Holiday Style
Catherine sends Friday Cat Blogging
Michael sends Harley, basking in the sun
Peter sends Bookworm
Eric sends Kitty in a Box
There's more:
Kimberly sends Feline Friday 8: No place to nap
Darcy sends Cats Like Turkey Too [heehee]
Sissy sends: It's a bird, it's a plane, it's Supercat!; Want your supper?; Up with the chickens; Let's talk turkey; and Benchmark
nycbabylon sends York vs. New York on Thanksgiving: The Great Friday Catblog Debate
Steve sends Miss Matata Relaxes, Post-Thanksgiving [pink-robed, yet] and Wake Up and Feed Me, Dammit
Russ sends Promises [a thoughtful, moving post]
Lord God Almighty (AKA Lynn) sends Winter Cats
Matt sends Hungry Cats
Tinker sends Blog of a Cat [heh]
jan sends That little thief
Heather sends time out for tomas
Caitlin sends Giving thanks for food, shelter, and a sunny spot [this is quite a remarkable photograph]
Finally, here at Watermark we have Cat Mustaches and Thanksgiving
ADDITION [email eaten by gremlins]: Ellen sends I Want More Turkey! and Gobble Gobble Gobble!
& ONE MORE: Elayne sends Friday Cat Blogging
PLUS, this one didn't actually enter, but I figure it counts: from Miriam, I had just resolved to cut down . . .
AND, Mog is feeling tired and absent-minded, so I have made my own selections: Get That Mousie; Mostly Useless; and Gift Wrapping With the Help of Your Cat
OK, I'll stop soon, I promise, but How Could I Skip This? From Kim, Four Days, Two Pictures
Thanks to all of you who joined us this week, and to Laurence for
the honor of hosting. If I've missed anyone, or if you have
trackback enabled and didn't get one, let me know.
Don't forget the Carnival of the Dogs and Friday Ark. Next week's Carnival of the Cats will be at People's Republic of Seabrook.
Now go feed those cats; I'm sure they are hungry again. See you next week!
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