Rabbit and Thing
Illustration uploaded by erat
The Neighbors Debate
When discovered by the social worker,
the yellow rabbit was nibbling blooming
dandelions, violets and clover
on the neighbor's lawn. The circling
cats did not disturb it. The rabbit hopped
up to the cats and touched twitchy noses.
The cats dashed, lickety-split, and dropped
back into hunting-jungle-tiger poses.
The neighbors schemed. Caught and caged,
unperturbed, the rabbit washed its face.
The prison guard said "Let it go." "Not wild,"
the social worker warned. "And think, the child
who lost it, crying all night," the day-care
worker sighed. The rabbit combed its hair.[ Poem by SB ]
As it happens, I had this sonnet tucked away on just this topic, and a quick flickr search found the perfect illustration. Some of you have seen this poem before, but it is too perfect for the prompt for me to not post it.
I liked the suggestion of other animals in the graphic, and its sense of confusion; that the viewer must impose her own interpretation upon it. As we do with the other animals, seeing in them both ourselves, and the other.
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