There have been some major (and some minor) changes here at Some changes have been made in response to specific complaints -- some my own, others from readers:
- Can't find email addy: put text (in CAPS) above the GMail Me button
- Can't find About page: made the ABOUT button more 'graphic'
- Found the About page, but can't find your name: I think that's clearer now (it's Sharon Brogan, btw)
- What? You have more sites?!?: split out my own sites from those where I occasionally post, and put mine at the top of the sidebar
- Too much stuff; site loads slowly on dialup:
Sorry, I like visuals. I hope you come to think it's worth it. Also, I
do offer full feeds, so you can read me in a newsreader, one post at a
time, without ever coming here. I hope you do come here, though.
- Small Poems & Commonplace Book not displaying correctly: fixed
- Blogrolls have dead links: pruned & updated
- No updates on Blogging Blog: we have new writers/contributers; the blogrolls have been pruned & updated; and I'm working on the sidebars
- Too many cats and squirrels: um, don't know what to tell you... I'm curious, though -- no one ever complains that there are too many dogs, or too many flowers -- why is that?
Watermark has a new banner, and I want to thank all my patient readers who responded to one poll after another. There is about a 70% approval rate on this one, which is pretty good. It'll do, for now. I want to thank Dave, especially, for saying my blog is fun -- just what I needed to hear on that day to keep me plugging away at this; and Cathy and dolphin for graphics advice.
All my other sites (except Blogging Blog, which is no longer simply mine) also have new banners. I love the Abide banner, with an evocative image from Harmony, who granted me permission to use it. A friend looked at it and said That's so you!
Most of the new banners take advantage of Phillip's Letters toy, with which I am clearly enamored. Now, I do realize I'm breaking all the rules here. I know that a suite of sites
is supposed to share the same design, and they used to, pretty much.
White backgrounds, the same black font. What can I say. I got bored
with it.
Blogging Blog isn't really in this suite anyway, nor is Abide,
really -- so I feel I have more leeway there. All the others have the
shell at the right of the banner (and sometimes the left, too), and the
top right sidebars are nearly identical. Abide, though the banner is entirely different, does have the shell. I think my readers will recognize that these sites belong to me.
received the most thorough clearing out -- deletions, additions, and
rearranging. If you haven't stopped by in awhile, you might want to
check it out.
Links got a bit of a shake-up, too. I decided to drop the Kinja
digests; I think they may work fine for folks who read a few blogs, but
for someone like me who follows a fair number, and many in different
categories, Bloglines and Blogrolling just work better. I'm using the blogroll from The Big Sky Blog (thanks, David!) for my Montana blogroll; that one's more likely to be up-to-date, and I added a few Montana links of my own.
The biggest changes are to the About
page, which I've never liked. More accurately, with which I've never
been comfortable -- some of you will remember that it was months before
I brought myself to even put my name anywhere. Recent advice,
however, gave me permission to move the focus from me to the sites
themselves -- the what, why, commenting and linking policies, and so
on. I've also added an About This Site category to Watermark.
Some toys have moved from Watermark to About -- or just been added there, after wondering where to put them. Both Pandora and LastFM are there, and I'm playing with All Consuming. Is anyone really interested in the books I read, and the music I listen to?
In trying to figure out (with patient TypePad Support) why Small Poems and Commonplace Book had gone wonky, I learned that I have many and tedious HTML validation issues. I do not intend to weed through this until the weather is dreary again. Unless I must?
I know I still have work to do, especially on some of the
peripheral pages, like the Cats and Webrings pages -- which I won't
even link to here, since they are so pitiful. I'll get to it.
Finally, I applied to 9Rules;
I'm not sure why. I believe I applied before, never heard back, and
forgot about them. Yesterday I perused some of their sites, and I see
that Watermark hasn't a chance. These seem to be mostly professionally designed, quick and minimalist. Very not me.
Some good sites, though, that demonstrate much more design control than
I would be likely to have, even if I had the skills. I plan to spend
some time over there in the coming weeks.
This whole process has been rather like my old grant-writing days --
completely obsessive. I hope you like the results, but whether you do
or don't, please let me know.
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